Several technologies for removal of micro-pollutants are currently being investigated for their general suitability and efficiency. A promising alternative to methods with high use of chemicals is the photocatalytical treatment under use of nanostructured materials. The mechanism bases on the formation and further reaction of radicals thus it belongs to the group of AOP (advanced oxidation processes). The working group biomass conversion and water technology develops powerful, compact, chemistry and biology-free water treatment systems using functionalized materials such as ceramic membranes and foams. To evaluate the photocatalytical activity of powders, granules and coated surfaces of various test stands in batch mode and continuous variation in relevant process parameters such as radiation intensity and active surface can be operated.
Services offered
- Development of hybrid, chemistry and biology free water treatment systems using functionalized materials such as ceramic foams and membranes,
- Evaluation of disinfection efficiency using various test organisms (coliform bacteria, enterococci)
- Evaluation of the photocatalytic degradation of organic matter on the basis of test substances (luminescent dyes, drugs)
- Determining the concentration of oxidizing agents (ozone, chlorine, indirect quantification of hydroxyl radicals)
- Test stand to determine the photocatalytic activity UV flow reactors (5-6500 L / s),
- Functionalized cellular ceramic components (foams) and membranes
- Light sources with different wavelengths and intensities