Fraunhofer IKTS uses life cycle assessment according to DIN EN ISO 14040 as a tool for the development, optimization and evaluation of different processes, products and process plants, because the minimization of resource consumption and environmentally relevant emissions should be part of the objective of every project. Environmental effects thus become quantifiable and can be compared. We use the Umberto LCA+ software, which among other things accesses the world's leading life cycle assessment databases EcoInvent and GaBi. In addition, we constantly create, expand and evaluate our own databases. In addition to the application of linear models of standardized life cycle assessment, one of our fundamental competences is the problem-specific, flexibly adaptable balance sheet assessment of closed-loop processes.
Services offered
- Preparation of life cycle assessments according to DIN EN ISO 14040 for processes, plants and products
- GHG balancing and cost calculations for sub-processes or complete product systems
- Preparation of life cycle assessments for recycling processes
- Accompanying life cycle assessment of R&D projects and optimization tasks for processes and systems (material and energy flows, cost analysis)
Application and project examples
- Materials recycling in ceramics production
- Raw material recovery from sewage sludge (e.g. DreiSATS)
- Production of natural fiber-based materials
- Process chains biogas production and digestate treatment