Trade fair / March 05, 2024 - March 07, 2024
JEC 2024
More than 40,000 professionals, 1200 companies from 106 countries – JEC world 2023 confirmed once more its leading position as international gathering for composites.
At JEC World 2024 Fraunhofer IKTS presents systems for non-destructive testing and monitoring of CFRP at the joint booth of the Saxony Economic Development Corporation.
Booth D97 and D107, Hall 5
Non-destructive testing of H2 pressure vessels
Non-destructive testing and inline quality control of H2 pressure vessels is very important, as the tanks are exposed to high pressure during subsequent use. Fraunhofer IKTS offers automated testing technologies based on ultrasonics and eddy current for the non-destructive testing of such vessels, especially for those made of CFRP. This allows the detection of manufacturing defects such as delamination or the detection of deviations in layer alignment during series production.
Pressure vessel monitoring with guided waves
The integrity of pressure tanks made of fiber-reinforced composites (CFRP) can be disturbed by refueling and removal, but also in the case of damage. Permanent monitoring detects any damage immediately and thus minimizes the operating risk. With this monitoring system developed at Fraunhofer IKTS structural changes or damages are detected, localized, classified and visually displayed permanently or periodically during an inspection.
Non-destructive testing of NCF in full production width
Testing multiaxial high-performance carbon fiber fabrics (NCF) in full production width is still a challenge, as common optical test systems just monitor the surface of the material. If you want to look inside the material to inspect hidden layers, new approaches are needed. For this purpose, researchers at Fraunhofer IKTS developed a multi-channel eddy-current system. The modular sensor line system fully tests CF textiles up to 2.5 m machine width inline.