Fraunhofer IKTS joins the TWI Innovation Network
The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS recently became a partner in the TWI Innovation Network (TWIIN), a European program to promote research and technology.
This gives Fraunhofer IKTS access to the know-how and experience of the network partners from industry and science. These synergies will be used to tap new potential in the areas of condition monitoring and ceramic technologies. Fraunhofer IKTS primarily contributes its expertise in system and method development for predictive maintenance and digital twin.
Since 2018, TWIIN has been bringing together innovation initiatives and activities of its partners. This has resulted in a unique ecosystem for joint development of new technologies, systems, processes and products for welding, joining, surface technology, inspection and condition monitoring over the entire service life, in which more than 1000 partner organizations are now active.