To produce reliable cold plasma modules for disinfection tasks of medical respirators and suction devices, we are developing an oxide ceramic composite material that is application-specifically adapted to the generation of cold plasma. The variation possibilities in the oxide ceramic composites from the system TiO2-ZrO2-Al2O3, which are in focus, allow to adjust the electrical permittivity in the range of 10 to 100 and the electrical conductivity in a wide range between 101 and 10-14S·cm-1. In terms of materials technology, this broad property window offers the opportunity to manufacture a plasma electrode in an almost monolithic design. In addition, we develop the appropriate shaping and sintering technologies for this purpose and investigate the relationships between manufacturing technology, material properties and operating behavior.
Project title: Disinfection of exhaust air from respirators with cold plasma (Subproject: Development of a material concept and a manufacturing process for the production of a ceramic electrode as part of a cold plasma module)
Funding: BMBF, Fkz:13GW0599B
Project period: September 2022 till August 2025
Project partners:
- terraplasma GmbH
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Zelltherapie und Immunologie IZI
- Löwenstein Medical GmbH & Co.KG
- QSIl Ceramics GmbH
- INMATEC Technologies GmbH