Computer-tomographic image of a filled bipolar cell.

Performance test of a bipolar stack and measurement of single-cell voltage values.
When it comes to developing new cell concepts, the detailed design of electrodes and cell geometry is of paramount importance. This is done initially theoretically based on material constants, taking into account the performance to be attained (high-energy, high-performance) and the balancing of anode and cathode. The parameters thus determined form the basis for the production of electrodes at lab scale before assessing them in test cells. In this way, bipolar electrodes, among others, have been designed and assessed in test cells developed specifically for that purpose. Furthermore, it is possible to realize specific measurement set-ups in order to characterize adapted measuring cells.
Services offered
- Manufacture and processing of electrode slurries at a scale of up to 100 ml
- Build-up of test cells (coin, pouch, bipolar cells) in a glovebox environment
- Electrochemical measurement at test cells (impedance, cycling, etc. in the -20 °C to 100 °C temperature range, up to 60 V, µA–A, defined test temperature)
- Computer tomography for cell structure analysis
- Post-mortem analysis for assessing degradation and restorative properties