
© Fraunhofer IKTS
Versuchsanlage für Toxizitätstests und Nährstoffverfügbarkeit.

Using our standardized test facilities for toxicity testing and nutrient availability in substrate-bound and soilless, hydroponic systems, we can reproducibly determine the plant availability of essential nutrients in soils, earths and substrates. The interaction between substrate, added nutrients and plants is described for this purpose in standardized tests. Chemical analysis of the composition of the substrate and the plant sap as well as physical examinations complement the visual documentation of development statuses.

Toxicity tests can be used to support decision making for the cultivation of certain crops. Especially on frequently polluted sites of former landfills or dumps this is difficult because many plants react negatively to pollution and disturbing substances. In addition to the investigation of sites, toxicity tests can also be used, for example, for test series on the use of sewage sludge, digestate or production by-products on agricultural land to rule out risks.


Services offered

  • Evaluation of soils, earths, fertilizers, soil additives, biogenic residues for use in agriculture and horticulture
  • Further development of international standards for plant biotests (bioassays)
  • Standardized experimental systems for toxicity testing and nutrient availability in substrate-bound and soilless hydroponic systems