Characterization of piezoelectric materials
Various methods are used to characterize piezoelectric properties. The piezoelectric charge constants d33 and d31 can be determined quasistatically using a Berlincourt meter. For this purpose, a low-frequency load is applied to the piezo material and the electrical response is measured. To determine a complete set of linear piezoelectric material parameters, electrical impedance measurements are carried out on various disk- and cuboid-shaped test specimens in accordance with DIN 50324-2. Depending on the problem, various other methods such as acoustic time of flight measurements or laser vibrometric measurements are also used to characterize piezoelectric material properties.
- d33-measurement up to 4000 pC/N, d31-measurement up to 400 pC/N
- Impedance spectroscopy/measurement and evaluation according to DIN 50324-2
- Acoustic time of flight measurements
- Laser vibrometry